Lab members at the Scientific Students' Associations Conference

This year five undergraduate students from our lab: 

Paula Dobrotka, Fanni Hajdú, Bianka Kőhegyi and Gergely Tihanyi from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Szilvia Tarányi from the Eötvös Loránd University 

submitted their thesis to the Scientific Students' Associations Conference & Competition. 

Congratulation for their great work and good luck to all of them!


Kinga Nyíri at FEBS Biocrys2014

Kinga Nyíri attended FEBS Biocrys2014 course on the Fundamentals of Modern Methods of Biocrystallography (20-27th September 2014. Oeiras, Portugal). this FEBS advanced course provided a great opportunitity to her to learn about all the up to date techniques of Biocrystallography. Thanks for the grenerous support for FEBS YTF and Richter Gedeon Ltd.

Researchers' Night success

Biostruct laboratory opened its doors for Researchers' Night on 26th September 2014.

The event again was very popular, more than 100 people, mostly high school students visited our lab. Ibolya Leveles, Ábris Bendes, Bianka Kőhegyi, Gergely Nagy and Imre Zagyva made their best to show the essence of protein crystallization and crystallography for the visitors, who were able to try pipetting, crystal fishing and mounting, while for the younger visitors symmetry was introduced with coloring schemes and edible crystal lattices. 

For those who have just missed the opportunity. Meet you next year on the last Friday of September.


Kinga Nyíri presented at Hungarian Workshop of Genetics

Kinga Nyíri held a presentation at the Hungarian Workshop of Genetics, at Szeged on 12th of September 2014. The title of her talk was: "Structural biology of molecular piracy: Study of the bioregulation of a Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island".

Researchers’ Night 2014


This year for the second time the Biostruct Laboratory joins the Researchers’ Night (Kutatók Éjszakája), which is one of the most significant events in the country, where society meets science.

On 26th of September 2014 higher education and research institutions open their doors to bring various areas of science closer to the interested with showing current projects and techniques. 

In our lab visitors can build edible crystal lattices, meet symmetry with specific coloring booklets, try out micropipetting, experience our work with fishing out protein crystals and see how a modern X-ray Diffractometer works.


Best young lecturer 2nd prize to Gergely N Nagy

Gergely N. Nagy has been awarded with a 2nd. prize in the category of Best young lecturer at the Annual meeting of the Hungarian Biochemical Society, Debrecen, 2014.

Gergely Rona comes back

Gergely Rona comes back from a six months long fellowship spent in laboratory of Dr. Michele Pagano, New York, USA
NYU Cancer Institute
Department of Pathology
New York University School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute   
Supporting fellowships:
Campus Hungary (MOB)
Magyar Eötvös Ösztöndíj (MOB)
UICC – ICRETT fellowship

Lab members Ibolya Leveles and Kinga Nyíri visit the BESSY synchrotron

In this week two members of our group (Ibolya Leveles and Kinga Nyíri) are visiting Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for measuring X-ray diffraction data of crystals from various projects, using sincrotron radiation of BESSY II. Hopefully they will come home with many valuable datasets recorded during the eight-hours shift.


New article published in FEBS Journal


 Our paper entitled "Preventive DNA repair by sanitizing the cellular nucleotide triphosphate pool" has been published in FEBS Journal.

The molecular mechanism of substrate coordination and catalysis of enzymes removing unwanted nucleotides from the dNTP pool constitutes the long-standing interest of our research group. The review provides a comparative summary of structural and mechanistic novelties of housekeeping dNTP pyrophosphatase enzymes. dNTP PPase enzymes are organized into two main groups, depending on their catalytic mechanisms, featured by the nucleophilic attack centered on the α-phosphate or β-phosphate of the cognate nucleotide substrate. Revisiting the available biochemical and structural data enabled us to reveal characteristic differences between these two groups of enzymes has been highlighted that include coordination of the γ-phosphate of the substrate,the divalent metal cation, and the catalytic water nucleophile.



(FEBS Journal, 18 Aug 2014, DOI.: 10.1111/febs.12941)


PubMedGoogle Scholar 

News articles on the Metagenomic Telescope

Our paper “The Metagenomic Telescope” received widespread online coverage among Hungarian news sites. Below is a selection of the news articles concerning the Telescope.



Genome Metabolism and Biostruct Laboratory

Budapest University of Technology, Ch building
Szt. Gellért square 4.

RCNS Institute of Enzymology
Magyar tudosok korutja 2.