Biostruct Laboratory

The Biostruct laboratory was installed in May 2011, based on a major grant from the National Innovation Office. The laboratory is located in the Ch building of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since then. The state-of-the-art infrastructure allows crystallization and crystallography of small molecular compounds as well as macromolecules and their complexes. 

In 2021, we participated at the 6th European Crystallographic School between 4-10th of July. We hosted a laboratory practice that includes a video on protein crystallization and data collection. It summarizes short practical troubleshooting ideas and quizzes as well. We share examples of crystallization screening and optimization with scoring the results. The quality of the crystals are judged and the automatic data collection and reduction practices are shared in detail. For further inquiry, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Laboratory course for protein crystallization and data collection


 Single Wavelength SuperNova System
  • Hi-Flux Copper (Cu) Micro-focus X-ray Source (Nova High Intensity Sealed Tube)
  • Fast CCD detectors:
    • active are of 92 mm diagonal
    • suitable for protein and small molecule crystallography
  • 4-circle KAPPA goniometer
    • maximum flexibility to orient the sample in reciprocal space
    • allows full access to the sample for mounting, cooling and annealing
  • CryojetHT cooling device
    • open-flow nitrogen gas blower to cool the sample
    • autofill system
  • AirCooler radiator

244222992 423066236004738 153591183539072465 n     244114295 274179647893754 6375525090916925481 n

 Mosquito Crystallization Robot
  • Automated hanging drop, sitting drop, microbatch and seeding or additive screening 96-well plate preparation
  • Able to work with low protein sample volumes with no risk of cross contamination,
    even in several multi-component drops per well
244529457 877604056223244 6975296708020952356 n      244415617 1014815232637134 1757664510128519900 n

Crystal Visualization 

  • Leica DM500 Digital Microscope
    • EZTube Preset Diopter
    • Equipped with ICC50 HD Digital Camera for real time imaging
  • Olympus SZX16
    • high performance digital camera and imaging software

244225975 244640117483868 8354174469845305171 n

Automated Crystal Imaging

244155803 176669201279087 7561562348250329390 n


Genome Metabolism and Biostruct Laboratory

Budapest University of Technology, Ch building
Szt. Gellért square 4.

RCNS Institute of Enzymology
Magyar tudosok korutja 2.