DESY synchrotron visit for SAXS data collection

From 28-30 June three members of our group (Ibolya Leveles, Kinga Nyíri and
Gergely Nagy) visited the DESY synchrotron in Hamburg for measuring small
angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of proteins from various projects. During the
24-hour long shift they performed several batch-mode and SEC-SAXS
experiments, hopefully the results will reveal yet unknow structural
properties of the proteins of our interest. We wish to thank dr. Haydyn
Mertens at DESY P12 beamline for his kind help in the SAXS data collection.


Vértessy Beáta Mestertanár Aranyérem kitüntetésben részesült

A BME három oktatója részesült Mestertanár Aranyérem kitüntetésben.

Az Országos Tudományos Diákköri Tanács (OTDT) kétévente ismeri el
aranyéremmel a kiemelkedő oktatói és hallgatói teljesítményeket. Idén 46
oktató, kutató részesült Mestertanár Aranyérem kitüntetésben a hallgatói
tudományos tevékenység szervezéséért, elősegítéséért, hosszú idő óta
számos diák eredményes felkészítésében közreműködő, a színvonalas
tanár-diák együttműködésben megvalósuló műhelymunkáért és a tudományos
iskolateremtésért. Őket egyrészt az intézményük, másrészt az OTDT
szakmai bizottságai jelölték az elismerésre.

/A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Mestertanár Aranyérmesei:/

*Pokol Gergő*, a BME TTK Nukleáris Technikai Intézet docense (Fizika,
Földtudományok és Matematika Szekció)

*Tapolcai János*, a BME VIK Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék
docense (Informatika Tudományi Szekció)

*Vértessy Beáta*, a BME VBK Alkalmazott Biotechnológia és
Élelmiszertudományi Tanszék egyetemi tanára (Kémiai és Vegyipari Szekció)

A testület június végén döntött a pályázatokról, a kitüntetéseket pedig
2015 őszén, a XXXII. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia záró és
értékelő ünnepségén adják át a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián.

Practical X-ray course, Oulu, 18-22, May

Between 18-22 May, Gergely N. Nagy has attended the Practical X-ray course on methods in protein crystallography: data collection, data processing, and phasing at Oulu, Finland. Throughout the outstanding and intense lectures he gained considerable knowledge of the theoretical basis of these crystallographic processes. He also got familiar with the X-ray data collection possibilities at key European synchrotrons. In addition he acquired hands-on experience with various relevant softwares e.g. XDS, iMosflm, CCP4 package.



K&H Marathon

Our group has again considered an athletic challenge with success - six of us ran a marathon relay in recordhigh temperatures on June 14, 2015 in the Városliget. Our "Futprinting" team (Beáta

Vértessy, András Benedek, Kinga Nagy, Tímea Nagy, Zsófia Bata and Dávid Szabó) each ran 7 km thus completing together the 42 km race in the beautiful, although rather hot weather.




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Great Success of lab members at Scientific Students' Associations Conference

Paula Dobrotka, Fanni Hajdú, Bianka Kőhegyi, Gergely Tihanyi and Lilla Vida made high level presentations at the Biocemistry Section of the Scientific Students' Associations Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics yesterday.

The jury honoured them with two prize of merit awards and three 1st prizes, from which two also included a special prize funded by pharmaceutical companies.

Congratulation for their great to all of them and their great supervisors!









Lívia Marton at Proteins and Nanoparticles at Membranes Workshop


Lívia Marton is participating at the Proteins and Nanoparticles at Membranes Workshop at Jülich, Germany
(19-22 October 2014).

She is presenting a poster about her PhD project on the “Localization study of Plasmodium falciparum CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase in mammalian cell lines”.


Lab members at the Scientific Students' Associations Conference

This year five undergraduate students from our lab: 

Paula Dobrotka, Fanni Hajdú, Bianka Kőhegyi and Gergely Tihanyi from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Szilvia Tarányi from the Eötvös Loránd University 

submitted their thesis to the Scientific Students' Associations Conference & Competition. 

Congratulation for their great work and good luck to all of them!


Kinga Nyíri at FEBS Biocrys2014

Kinga Nyíri attended FEBS Biocrys2014 course on the Fundamentals of Modern Methods of Biocrystallography (20-27th September 2014. Oeiras, Portugal). this FEBS advanced course provided a great opportunitity to her to learn about all the up to date techniques of Biocrystallography. Thanks for the grenerous support for FEBS YTF and Richter Gedeon Ltd.

Researchers' Night success

Biostruct laboratory opened its doors for Researchers' Night on 26th September 2014.

The event again was very popular, more than 100 people, mostly high school students visited our lab. Ibolya Leveles, Ábris Bendes, Bianka Kőhegyi, Gergely Nagy and Imre Zagyva made their best to show the essence of protein crystallization and crystallography for the visitors, who were able to try pipetting, crystal fishing and mounting, while for the younger visitors symmetry was introduced with coloring schemes and edible crystal lattices. 

For those who have just missed the opportunity. Meet you next year on the last Friday of September.


Kinga Nyíri presented at Hungarian Workshop of Genetics

Kinga Nyíri held a presentation at the Hungarian Workshop of Genetics, at Szeged on 12th of September 2014. The title of her talk was: "Structural biology of molecular piracy: Study of the bioregulation of a Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island".

Researchers’ Night 2014


This year for the second time the Biostruct Laboratory joins the Researchers’ Night (Kutatók Éjszakája), which is one of the most significant events in the country, where society meets science.

On 26th of September 2014 higher education and research institutions open their doors to bring various areas of science closer to the interested with showing current projects and techniques. 

In our lab visitors can build edible crystal lattices, meet symmetry with specific coloring booklets, try out micropipetting, experience our work with fishing out protein crystals and see how a modern X-ray Diffractometer works.



Genome Metabolism and Biostruct Laboratory

Budapest University of Technology, Ch building
Szt. Gellért square 4.

RCNS Institute of Enzymology
Magyar tudosok korutja 2.